After a few tack welds, you can see the shape coming together.

You can also see how low the frame is - it appears to "hang" between the wheels and not over them. This proportion is one of the fundamental problems with most of the replicas I've seen. At risk of offending someone, I will finally show what I mean. I have not posted many other replica pics as they belong to those who have been invited to view this site. Now compromises do have to be made, like what is comfortable and ride able, whereas I have never really cared about that. Maybe that's why my back always hurts so much! I'll also say that these guys do great work and offer some really neat stuff, I just have a different vision for what I am making.
Here is the 08 racer from Simpson Motorbikes:

I took the liberty of using Photoshop to quickly Me-ize this bike. Here is is with a bit more rake, flipped bars, a lowered seat, and adjusted frame.

Now that even looks old!
Simpson has some cool stuff and now even offers a conversion kit for the Whizzer engine with OHV external valve gear! Very cool! Let's see this "retro" stuff on an "old school" TV chopper! Did I mention I now hate those terms? Here is a video of the exposed OHV running. Don't forget your oil can!
Too bad I don't think it will have the torque needed for this project though some motorbike forum member did build a V-twin Whizzer motor.
Found this next guy on Metalshapers Association.
Great site if you want to learn frustration. Some very creative members there. Anyway, this guy never returned my e-mail inquiry so............
Here is his "Ace" motorbike:

There are people all over the web asking about this bike. I like it's proportions better but I just can't get away from that engine shroud! Notice he uses standard BMX 26" forks for the rear wheel stays. I felt those were a bit thick at 1" but they do give a nice heft to the thing.
A few months later I was cruising Ebay and found this from the same guy:

Same construction but built loosely to look like a Flying Merkel. I like the one posted earlier much better. For some reason, people replicate that one, or that style, a lot.
Here are a couple pics of some from This guy builds some weird bikes but is gaining some hard-earned attention.
I couldn't save his pics(smart) so here are the addresses to his gallery pics. The first is another Merkel replica using the Chinese 2-stroke bicycle motor.
In the same gallery page is a similar black pedal bike with shaft drive - kinda cool IMO.
Here is a one-off BTR replica he did. You be the judge on this one! Another Chinese 2-stroke grenade but I like the tank shape.